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Katryn Taylor


Choosing the precious teacup for a special occasion.

Behind a glass cabinet in your home is a collection of tea ware, waitng for that special moment to be used. To my surprise and delight I came home one afternoon to unexpected guest. Teenage friends of my eldest son. My husband was home and treated them to tea. The delight came from of course the lovely company, but also the use of my displayed teacups behind the glass. They have sat behind that glass for so long they had been forgotten by me, but surprisingly admired by others. It warmed me to see something I have loved for years being appreciated by a new generation. Since that day, when these lovely young ladies stop by , the kettle whistles and the cups come out to play, just as it should be. Hot tea sweetened by laughter and sentiments amoung good friends conversations. It's always a special occasion when tasting tea and every tea time moment should use that precious teacup.


Why not take time to make a special moment happen daily.

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